Slowly letting spring style creep into my wardrobe. If only the Seattle weather would cooperate!
This Seattle spring has been an absolute nightmare to try and dress for. In the morning, I’ll take the dogs out and see it’s sunny. By the time I’m getting ready to leave for work 45 minutes later, it’s pouring rain and suddenly a hurricane has blown through. For me, it makes it so hard to dress spring-like with such a variable forecast for the day.
If it rains and my feet get wet — I am cold for the rest of the day so I’m quite picky about how I dress in the spring, particularly this spring, like I said, the weather has been all over the place just in a few hours.
I’m loving some of the spring details like ruffles and wide sleeves. These are things I normally wouldn’t think I’d like but I’m finding myself being more open to things outside my normal style this year. I just wish it was warm enough to wear some of those things.
Can you tell I’m over this stormy weather? I need sit-on-the-patio-and-drink weather! I know it’s just around the corner but my oh my am I impatient this year.
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