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daily life

Musings & Updates After a Break From Blogging

Hello again. It’s been a minute since I posted here, creative burnout is real, especially when you’re supposed to be creative for a living, outside of your side project. Around April I was started to feel creative burnout fueled…

Hawaii travel

Surf’s up in Kona

Hawaii. My winter escape to sunshine and marine life. For me, it doesn’t matter that every year I go to the same place with my family. We stay in the same condo complex and see the same friends and…

travel United Kingdom

Hello from a train in the middle of the UK

I wanted to update daily…honestly I did. I have been so overcome with my experience in London so far…I’ve plenty to write about…but I’ve experienced so much, too much, crossed so many things off a bucket list…that once I…


An Event Apart: Key Takeaways from a Web Designer

Conferences. I love conferences. Compared to Seattle Interactive Conference, from a design perspective, I loved the format of this one. About 12 speakers over the course of two days, in one room, so there was no running between rooms…

travel United States

Newport Beach and VEGAS

Where did 2013 go? Seriously, I’ve failed pretty miserably at blogging this year, but I’ve been in my own quarter-life crisis mode trying to get it all figured out. It’s not all figured out but I’m feeling better than…