It’s officially Black Milk season. I mean, technically, ALL year is Black Milk season but I tend to wear it more in the autumn and winter. Cozy boots, big sweaters, and black milk clothing.…
outfit of the day
Can you believe it’s November already? Where has this year gone? I’ve been recovering from being sick almost all of October and that’s just the worse. I’m anxious to get back into the routine of barre classes so that…
I’m terribly notorious for buying clothes and then letting them sit in my closet, tag still on if new, or just untouched if it was bought at a thrift store. This cardigan has been staring at me for at…
It’s been chilly the past few days, feeling like full on fall is here, but today is sunny and warm with a very crisp autumn chill in the air. This time of the year makes me feel incredibly nostalgic…
Over 4th of July weekend, one of my good friends was married at Craven Farm in Snohomish. It was a beautiful summer day at a scenic PNW farm, and I got to see a few friends I haven’t seen…
Last week I went to spend a few days in Mesa with my mom. The desert landscape and the history of the people who inhabited and survived there is so intriguing to me. The heat was a nice escape from…
Summer is here & I am haaaaappy. Sometimes I think I live in the wrong state & that I really belong on a beach in Hawaii. But I love the mountains, the forest & the fog of the pacific…
This will be short as I’m currently 35,000 feet in the air on my way to Chicago. Los Angeles fashion week with Lina Zeineddine and Bri Seeley was an absolute blast. I met so many new people in the…
My outfit for the day. The skirt matches my hair. Partially anyway 🙂 I have partly teal blue hair after I decided for a drastic change. I love the teal color. Shirt & Skirt: H&M Shoes: Messeca Tights: Target…