I lived about 80 miles north of Seattle in Bellingham for almost 5 years, and somehow in that time I never once made it to Vancouver or Whistler. And even after that, it took another 5 years for me…
pacific northwest
I have to say, 2017 started out in a great way. When I woke to take the pups out in the morning, I found it had snowed sometime after midnight, a good few inches and it stuck. I was…
It feels like such a long time since I’ve done a festival recap. Paradiso seems so long ago (2 years ago). At the last minute I bought tickets to What the Festival?! in Oregon. Two of my favorite people…
Summer is here & I am haaaaappy. Sometimes I think I live in the wrong state & that I really belong on a beach in Hawaii. But I love the mountains, the forest & the fog of the pacific…