It feels like such a long time since I’ve done a festival recap. Paradiso seems so long ago (2 years ago). At the last minute I bought tickets to What the Festival?! in Oregon. Two of my favorite people in the world told me to come and as an early, joint-birthday bash with one of those favorite people, I went.
Me & said favorite people 🙂
And I don’t think I’ve ever been happier about a decision.
What the Festival is small, 4,000-ish people, and a combination of art installations and music, in the shadow of the cascades. Literally. Oh hey there Mt. Hood.
Four days of music (if you arrive early like we did), and a generally rad time with a group of really chill, positive festival goers. I haven’t had this type of experience since Re:generation in 2011. This is the type of festival experience I’m after now. Paradiso is too big, too overwhelming, and despite a stunning venue, there is no shade, a lack of respect to festival goers and vice versa, a lack of respect to the venue by the festival goers. There is none of this at WTFest and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience all around. The bro vibe that took over at Paradiso is nonexistent at What the Festival, so its easy for me to say, having experienced both, this is one of the top outdoor festivals in the pacific northwest (not including Canada, I’ve never been to any festivals up north but I imagine they’d be pretty rad).
I met so many people, saw so many amazing sets, and wandered through the illuminated forest looking at beautiful, interactive art installations.
This is hands down the best 4 days of the year yet. I can’t wait to go back next year, and I’m eyeing Summer Meltdown in my beautiful state. Small festivals, for the win.
Top sets from the weekend:
- Slow Magic (of course ;))
- Thomas Jack
- Odesza
- Nordic Soul
- Little People
- Tokimonsta
- Big Gigantic
Check out photos from the event below.
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