For the Love of Shoes

For the Love of Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell

Spring is finally here. Almost. I mean it is, but if I’m not able to wear sandals in the morning without my toes falling off from the cold then we’re not quite there yet. But next week will be in the mid seventies which means I get break out my favorite Matiko platform sandals.


Damn right that calls for a dancing Dumbledore gif.

But oh hey, speaking of platform sandals. Jeffrey Campbell. Always brilliantly out there with wild styles and sky high platforms & the latest shoes available at Solestruck are no less bold and wonderful.

These platforms look wonderfully retro & I want to buy them all, put on a pair of dark skinny jeans and role the cuffs up. I love them.


I’m so ready for spring, scratch that, I’m ready for SUMMER, and sandals. And I want some Jeffrey Campbell platforms to add to my closet.


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