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  • style

    From Winter to Spring

    Spring is a time of annoyance for me when it comes to dressing for the day. I’m ready for warm weather and sandals yet the mornings start out in the low…

  • daily life

    Using Vacation Days To Stay At Home

    I’m not a full-time blogger & work in tech for my full-time gig. In my early and mid-twenties I didn’t have the best work benefits when it came to vacation time…

  • style

    The Moon and The Stars

    This is one of the joys of second hand shopping that I’m coming to love: finding something that so perfectly fits your style, is good quality, and is otherwise hard to…

  • style

    Soothe My Soul

    Since it seems I’ve been standing on a soapbox talking about second hand shopping & independent brands, I thought I’d revisit this delightfully rocker chic brand I partnered with on Instagram…

  • style

    Snowed In

    It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen so much snow fall in the course of a weekend. Seattle was hit with so much snow it crippled the city and…

  • style travel

    Of Sun and Cold Shoulders

    My parents moved to Arizona a few years ago and I will say it is quite nice to come and visit mid-winter and escape the dreary grey sky and utter soaking…